
Friday 1 February 2013

Will Sony Unveil the Playstation 4 on February 20?

Playstation Meeting 2013

Speculation mounts over next-gen console after Sony teases special Playstation event

In the unlikely event that you don’t spend most of the year playing through the titles on Maximum PC’s list of the “most anticipated PC games of 2013
and have some time to spare for other, lesser gaming machines, at least make sure you spend it with a proper eighth-generation console —  the “proper” is meant to exclude the Wii U — and not the ones that are about to turn eight. But where are the eighth-generation consoles, you might ask?
We are likely to find out more about one of them in about three weeks' time. Sony on Thursday released a video that teases a special Playstation event scheduled for February 20, 2013. The company published the video on the official Playstation blog under the heading “See the Future.” According to reports, it has also sent out emails inviting tech journalists to the event, which is simply called “Playstation Meeting 2013.”
Obviously, all this has led to speculation that Sony is finally all set to unveil the Playstation 4, reportedly codenamed Orbis, and we, too, can’t come up with a better reason for why Sony is hosting this event.

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