
Friday 1 February 2013

Windows Phone 7.8 for the Lumia 800

My morning routine normally consists of switching on the personal mobile (Nexus 4), checking Facebook and Twitter. Then switch on the work phone (Nokia Lumia 800), check the work emails, and then get out of bed.

This morning however was different, I was greeted by an update notification on the Lumia. Eagerly I fired up the laptop when I got downstairs. I was a little disappointed to discover the update was something to do with app purchases and the camera button. Still, an update is an update, so I went for it.
The update installed, phone rebooted…what?! another update you say? Go on then. The update installed, phone rebooted…yup, you guessed it, another update. This time however, it was the biggy. Windows Phone 7.8 was ready for installation.
The update lists a few benefits, as shown below. I haven’t really used my phone much today, so I can’t really give much more info on it. The phone is a Lumia 800 locked to Orange UK, I’d suggest that if you have a Lumia running 7.5 you connect it up to Zune sharpish.
The update basically adds more accent colours for your tiles and for throughout the UI, you now get the three sizes of tiles and improved options for the lockscreen.

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