
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Gastech 2012 Conference Summary

Gastech 2012
Firmly established as the most prestigious annual meeting place for the global gas industry, the 26th Gastech Conference & Exhibition returned to London on 8-11 October 2012 for the first time since 1973. Gavin Sutcliffe, Head of Content & Programming, welcomed more than 1,500 delegates from around the world to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Gastech conference.
When Gastech was first launched in London forty years ago, the event was dedicated to understanding and improving the technological development of the relatively new LNG industry. But over the past four decades, the role that natural gas now plays as one of the most important energy sources to fuel a growing world’s population has led to the evolution of Gastech into something far larger and influential. The conference co-chairs, Paul Sullivan – Director of Global LNG and FLNG – Worley Parsons and Chris Clucas, Commercial Director, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Ltd., noted that this year’s conference theme is Fueling the Future and encouraged delegates to take full advantage of the breadth and scope of everything available including a variety of sessions found in the commercial, technical and plenary streams, with a range of additional sessions also available, such as the EFET trading day and the Russian Day.
While the breadth and scope of Gastech provides an enormous opportunity to explore issues encompassing the entire supply chain, it also presents an enormous challenge to summarize the key themes and messages. This conference summary, the first of its kind, is an attempt to do just that for the Commercial Streams with the hope that the summary will provide a useful reference for delegates and provide insight into some of the key issues that may impact the natural gas industry going forward.
To download a copy of the full conference summary please click here 

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